Historica Wiki
Harold Harefoot

Harold Harefoot (1016-17 March 1040) was King of England from 12 November 1035 to 17 March 1040, succeeding Canute and preceding Harthacanute.


Harold Harefoot was the son of Canute and Aelfgifu of Northampton, making him the full brother of Svein Knutsson. On his father's death in 1035, Harold became King of England, ruling in place of his brother Harthacanute, who was occupied with crushing a rebellion against Danish rule in Norway. It was not until 1037 that Harold was officially proclaimed King, causing his step-brothers Edward and Alfred Aetheling to invade England and seek the throne for themselves. Godwin, Earl of Wessex captured Alfred, who died of complications from his blinding. Harold mysteriously died at Oxford in 1040 while Harthacanute was preparing an invasion force, and Harthacanute succeeded him as King.
