Guyuk Khan (19 March 1206-20 April 1248) was the Khagan of the Mongol Empire from 1246 to 1248, succeeding Ogedei Khan and preceding Mongke Khan.
Guyuk Khan was born on 19 March 1206, the son of Ogedei Khan and the grandson of Genghis Khan. In 1233 Guyuk first held military command in the Mongol Empire when he conquered the Dongxia kingdom of Puxian Wannu, a rebellious official of Great Jin. From 1236 to 1241 he led Mongol forces in Russia, sacking Vladimir, Ryazan, Moscow, and other major cities before pushing into eastern Europe. In 1241 Guyuk and Batu Khan defeated the Kingdom of Poland at the Battle of Liegnitz, but Ogedei's death made Guyuk and Batu argue. Previously, they had argued after a victory feast during the campaign in Ossetia and Ogedei threatened to have Guyuk executed for this mishap; now, Batu tried to delay the elections for the new khan, but Guyuk was successfully nominated by his mother Toregene. Batu respected his rule per tradition, but Guyuk demanded that he come to Karakorum, probably to arrest him. Batu brought with him a large army in return, and a showdown was possible until Guyuk was killed in a brawl with his cousin Shiban.