Historica Wiki
Guthlac of Crowland

Guthlac of Crowland (died 893) was the Mercian thegn of Crowland during the 9th century. In 893, he welcomed Uhtred of Bebbanburg and his men into his town, and they were given sanctuary at the alehouse. That night, however, Guthlac and his men surrounded the alehouse and demanded that Uhtred come out alone, so Uhtred threw torches at the other houses in the village, distracting Guthlac's men and preoccupying them with putting out the fires. Guthlac then begged for mercy from Uhtred, saying that the Danes forced him to comply, but Uhtred slashed Guthlac's throat in front of the town, telling him that their loyalty was to Aethelflaed, first and last.

