Historica Wiki
Guan Tianpei

Guan Tianpei (1781-26 February 1841) was a Chinese admiral of the Qing dynasty who was killed in the First Opium War.


Guan Tianpei was an admiral of the Qing navy who rose to become commander-in-chief of the naval forces, and he was in command of China's navy at the time of the outbreak of the First Opium War. In 1838, he established courteous relations with the British admiral Frederick Maitland, only to fight against the British for the next three years. He fought at the two battles of Chuenpi and then at the Battle of the Bogue, during which he was killed by a bayonet wound in the brest as he defended the gates of the Anunghoy fortress. His British enemies admired his bravery, and they saluted him with a barrage of cannon after his family collected his body.
