Historica Wiki
Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani

Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani (1454-26 December 1476) was a noble of the Duchy of Milan who assassinated Galeazzo Maria Sforza in 1476.


Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani was a nobleman of the Duchy of Milan, and when the people of Milan grew unhappy with the rule of Galeazzo Maria Sforza in 1476, Lampugnani, Carlo Visconti, and Gerolamo Olgiati attempted to assassinate him. The House of Pazzi and House of Borgia assisted them, as they could benefit from the murder. Lampugnani knelt to kiss Sforza's hand at mass at Santo Stefano, but then stabbed him in the chest and Olgiati stabbed him in the back. Sforza was killed, but Lampugnani was stopped by the Moorish bodyguard of Sforza and killed.
