Gianluigi "Gigi" Cestone (11 December 1955 - 25 November 2000) was a capo in the DiMeo crime family under Tony Soprano.
Gianluigi Cestone was born in Boston, Massachusetts to a family of Italian descent. Cestone later became a member of the DiMeo crime family in New Jersey; once a soldier in Junior Soprano's crew, he later defected to Tony Soprano during the power struggle of 1999. In June 1999, he killed Junior's acting capo Philly Parisi for Tony Soprano, and Cestone became a trusted member of Tony Soprano's crew. In the fall of 2000, he took over the deceased Richie Aprile's crew, but he was not well-received by his new crew. Ralph Cifaretto tried to make life difficult for Cestone, as he had hoped to become the new capo. Cestone died of a heart attack on the toilet in his social club from the undue stress of putting his children through college and dealing with Cifaretto's issues, and Cifaretto took over his old crew.