Gerardo "Gerry the Hairdo" Torciano (died 2007) was capo of Phil Leotardo's old crew in the Lupertazzi crime family. He was murdered on the orders of Faustino Santoro to take him out of contention for the title of boss.
Gerardo Torciano was born in New York City, New York to a family of Italian descent, and he became a made member of the Lupertazzi crime family in Phil Leotardo's crew. He became Leotardo's protégé, and he took over his old crew when Leotardo became acting boss in 2004, handling the street business of Leotardo's crew. In 2006, Torciano was made the official captain of the crew, and a celebratory dinner was held for him at the Nuovo Vesuvio restaurant. That same year, Torciano and Dominic Gamiello beat DiMeo crime family captain Vito Spatafore to death for being a homosexual.
In 2007, Phil Leotardo retired as acting boss after suffering from a massive coronary, with Faustino Santoro becoming the new acting boss. When Leotardo recovered, he decided to retire for good, and he sought to make his protégé Torciano the new boss of the Lupertazzi family. However, Santoro had no intention of giving up his temporary position as acting boss, and he decided to have Torciano whacked.

Torciano's death
Torciano held a meeting with DiMeo consigliere Silvio Dante at a restaurant in New Jersey, with both men bringing dates with them. During the dinner, Torciano and Dante discussed the leadership crisis in the Lupertazzi family, and they were greeting their dates when a gunman rushed into the restaurant. The gunman shot Torciano several times in the back, splattering blood on Dante's face and on the table, and later finishing him with a shot in the back of the head. Torciano's death led to Leotardo deciding to seize back control of the family from Santoro.