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Gee Money

Gerald "Gee Money" Wells (1964-1990) was the right-hand man of Cash Money Brothers boss Nino Brown. In 1990, Brown killed Wells for calling him an egotist.


Gee Money 1986

Wells in 1986

Gerald Wells was born in 1964 in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City to a poor African-American family, and he spent much of his time as a young man engaging in the drug trade, gangbanging, or living out his "Michael Jordan fantasy" (as his childhood friend Nino Brown called it) on the community basketball courts. In 1986, "Gee Money" Wells introduced Brown to crack cocaine, showing him a vial of it while they were driving in the Duh Duh Duh Man's jeep; Wells told Brown that the crack cocaine drug made women go crazy, and was even better than cocaine or any of the other drugs on the market. Over the course of the next three years, Brown's Cash Money Brothers gang rose to the top in Harlem, taking over the Carter Apartments and converting it into a crack den. Wells became Brown's right-hand man as the second-in-command of the Cash Money Brothers gang.

In 1990, the NYPD planted informant Pookie Robinson in the CMB ranks, but he was later discovered and executed. This led to the NYPD launching the Carter Apartments raid, forcing the CMB to burn down the apartments and relocate to Brown's mansion. Wells was held responsible for this, and he was warned against further failures.


The NYPD planted two undercover policemen, Scotty Appleton and Nick Peretti, in the gang in a second attempt at infiltration. Appleton and Peretti pretended to be drug dealers, and they bribed Mafia member Frankie Needles to introduce them to Wells. Wells became business partners with Appleton, who was introduced to Brown at the basketball courts after interrupting Brown's basketball game to speak with Wells. Soon, Appleton became a trusted member of the gang after saving Brown's life on numerous occasions, but Brown threatened to kill both Wells and Appleton if there were any problems. 


After Appleton was revealed to be an informant by Kareem Akbar, Brown made good on his promise and confronted Wells about this infiltration. Wells, had been angry at Brown for stealing his girlfriend Uniqua, dared to call Brown an egotist. An infuriated Brown responded by shooting Wells dead, although he later came to regret killing his right-hand man. After Wells' death, the Cash Money Brothers gang collapsed, as Wells was its only remaining member.
