Gengyo Yoneda (1934-18 December 1988) was a Japanese yakuza criminal who served as captain of the Kenno-kai subsidiary of the Tojo-kai's Dojima-gumi family under the Kenno-kai's patriarch, Daisaku Kuze, during the 1980s.
Gengyo Yoneda was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1934, and he became one of the original members of the Dojima-gumi family of the Tojo-kai yakuza clan and became Daisaku Kuze's right-hand man. He became captain of the Kenno-kai when Kuze was made patriarch of the Kenno-kai, his own subsidiary of the Dojima-gumi, and he became a feared enforcer, notable for his gaunt, dark eyes. On 11 December 1988, when Kazuma Kiryu came to the Dojima-gumi office to officially retire from the yakuza to investigate who had framed him for the murder of Taichi Kurihara, Kuze ordered Yoneda to take Kiryu to be executed in the woods or in a nearby river. However, Kiryu punched down Yoneda, and, when Kuze asked Kiryu if he understood that Yoneda outranked him, Kiryu said that he was no longer yakuza, so the rules no longer applied to him. Kuze then left the room, telling Kiryu that he would die in that office instead. However, Kiryu managed to beat down all of the guards and Yoneda, and he repeatedly fought off Yoneda's ambushes as he made his way to the top floor of the building to seek out Sohei Dojima. He later jumped through a bathroom window after finding that the top floor's door was locked, and he beat down the Dojima henchmen there before Yoneda stormed into the bathroom with a sheathed knife. Kiryu defeated Yoneda after a short fight and kicked him through a window, causing him to fall to his apparent death.

Yoneda death
However, Yoneda recovered and survived, and he was later placed in charge of interrogating the captive real estate broker Tetsu Tachibana about the location of the owner of Kabukicho's "Empty Lot", Makoto Makimura. Yoneda smashed Tachibana's fingers with a hammer, and he nearly killed Tachibana with his torture. Kuze instructed Yoneda to keep Tachibana alive, as they needed information from him, but, when Tachibana tauntingly smiled at Yoneda, Tachibana mortally wounded him with a hammer blow to the temple. Enraged by Yoneda's insubordination, Kuze slammed Yoneda's skull against the torture room floor, killing him.