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Geadric was the Mercian Ealdorman of Oxfordshire from 874 AD. Previously a minor thegn, he led a successful rebellion against against Lady Eadwyn of Oxfordshire due to the unpopularity of her pro-Wessex views.


Geadric was born in Buckingham, Oxfordshire, Mercia (now in Buckinghamshire, England) to a hardscrabble Anglo-Saxon family, and he proved himself an able soldier and was commended by the Ealdorman of Oxfordshire for being determined and unwavering. He was awarded a plot of land and the title of thegn, and, during the Viking invasions of England, he engaged in talks with the Jarl of Ravensthorpe, Sigurd Styrbjornson. In exchange for swearing an oath to Sigurd, Geadric planned to lead a rebellion of hundreds of Saxon farmers and fishermen armed with hayforks and billhooks and seize the earldom of Oxfordshire for himself; he faced Lady Eadwyn of Oxfordshire, the widow of the Ealdorman, who had been slain in battle with Guthrum. However, he and the other thegns were arrested in a roundup conducted by Lady Eadwyn before they could launch their rebellion. Sigurd, Basim ibn Ishaq, and Eivor rescued Geadric from the longhouse in Buckingham after confronting Eadwyn and slaying the guards she left to kill them as she escaped. Geadric then persuaded his three rescuers to rescue the other imprisoned earls from the Leah Villa garrison, and, after the thegns' rescue, he assembled his army at the Derelict Shrine of Camulus. After the Vikings weakened Eadwyn's forces across the shire and Eivor sabotaged the defenses of Cyne Belle Castle, Geadric's army assaulted Eadwyn's fortress, capturing her. Geadric left Eadwyn's fate in Eivor's hands, and Eivor decided that, as she had fought with honor, she should enter into Geadric's care and continue having a privileged and respectable life, although she was forced to end her alliance with Alfred.

Eivor Geadric outside Rochester

Eivor talking with Geadric outside Rochester, 875 AD

A year later, while planning to assault the West Saxon fortress of Rochester in Kent, Eivor decided to call in his favor from Geadric and his army at Buckingham, figuring that they would be interested in getting a chance to strike against Wessex once again. Geadric brought with him a fleet, and they were provided with Danish outfits to mask their true identities. They then helped Eivor storm Rochester, with Geadric taking an arrow to the shoulder while helping Eivor man the battering ram. Ultimately, however, Geadric and his men were victorious, taking their share of the spoils. Eivor then formally released Geadric of his oath, and Geadric thanked him for his friendship and for thinking of him when planning to hurt Wessex.
