Gareth "Gary" Smith (born 1990) was an American student who attended Bullworth Academy during the 2006-2007 school year as a freshman. He was incredibly manipulative, antagonistic and cunning, forging a year-long plan to take over the school from principal Dr. Ralph Crabblesnitch. Smith began this by becoming friends with Pete Kowalski and newcomer Jimmy Hopkins, then betraying the two of them by lying to the Bullies' clique leader, Russell Northrop, about Hopkins talking about Northrop's mom being involved with barnyard animals. He also attempted to turn Crabblesnitch against Hopkins, as well as the Preppies. Smith was eventually made Head Boy, due to his manipulation of Crabblesnitch.
Though Hopkins eventually managed to become the most popular kid after beating Ted Thompson at the big football game, Smith caused numerous disasters for the various cliques using the Bullworth Townies and their hatred of Bullworth Academy, such as vandalism, arson and other crimes. After Hopkins was expelled, Smith ambushed and knocked out Crabblesnitch, inciting a riot at the Academy. This was broken by Hopkins, who beat up Smith and rescued Crabblesnitch, who then expelled Smith from the school.
Early life[]
Gareth Smith was born in 1990 in New Coventry, Bullworth, New Hampshire. His grandfather, Tom Smith, was a rich and successful entrepreneur, while his father was kicked out of Bullworth Academy and later went to prison, and his mother was neglectful. Smith was diagnosed with ADD at a young age, and was also a sociopath; he took behavior pills to stem his issues. He was later enrolled in Bullworth Academy, where he gained a reputation for his instability and sociopathy. However, Smith made friends with Pete Kowalski, taking advantage of the fact that he had no friends and was an easy target.
Early fall 2006[]
In October 2006, Smith greeted newcomer Jimmy Hopkins at the Boys' Dorm, the two becoming friends despite Hopkins' hesitance as a result of his previous schools being so terrible. He later showed Hopkins around the Main Building, teaching him how to placate bullies such as Russell Northrop, pick lockers, hide from the prefects, help out people in exchange for rewards, and then finally introduced the four main cliques from a distance: the Nerds, the Preppies, the Greasers and the Jocks.
Later, after Hopkins stole Davis White's slingshot, Smith went with Hopkins to test out the slingshot: this was performed by sniping the Bullhorns while they were practicing. A few hours later, Smith recruited Hopkins and Kowalski to harass Angus Grant, the homeless man living behind the bus at the parking lot. Grant scared Smith and Kowalski away by throwing a brick at Smith's leg, leaving Hopkins alone to speak to Grant. Later, after Hopkins was tasked by Beatrice Trudeau to get her notes back from Mandy Wiles, Smith suggested Hopkins plant a stink bomb in her locker, and to get one from Fatty Johnson.
During Halloween, Smith went cold turkey from his medicine and dressed up as a Schutzstaffel officer, while Hopkins and Kowalski were dressed up as a skeleton and a bunny, respectively. They accompanied Hopkins as he conducted five pranks on other students, before Smith proposed they collect the excrement from Chad Morris' dog Chester for a big prank. While Smith was attempting to catch Chester, Hopkins fought off Morris. After Smith collected the feces with a bag, they entered the Main Building, placed it at the entrance of the staff room, set it on fire and pulled the fire alarm. This caused gym teacher Michael Burton to rush out of the room, stomping on the flaming bag and having his shoes covered in feces. The two then escaped to the Boys' Dorm.
A few days later, Smith fully quit his medication and organized Northrop to beat Hopkins by lying to him about Hopkins gossiping about Northrop's mother making love to farm animals. Smith then lured Hopkins into the school basement and to the Hole, an octagonal drain pit where students occasionally settled their scores. There, Smith betrayed Hopkins and had Northrop try to beat him up. Though Northrop was beaten during the fight, Smith espoused his wanting to become the king of the school and left the Hole, satisfied at the betrayal.
Late fall 2006[]
Smith mostly stayed in the Boys' Dorm and attended classes covertly during November, scheming and making good with principal Dr. Ralph Crabblesnitch. However, he did turn the Preppies against Hopkins after claiming Hopkins was spreading rumors about Tad Spencer and the rest of the Preps being products of incest. This was ultimately fruitless, as Hopkins managed to beat Derby Harrington and the rest of the Preppies into submission.
Winter 2006[]
In December, Smith began turning Johnny Vincent and the Greasers against Hopkins, banking on Vincent's insecurities regarding his and Lola Lombardi's fragile relationship. He accompanied the Greasers when they interrogated Cornelius Johnson on Algernon Papadopoulos' location, with Johnson lying and saying that he was at the pizza parlor. Smith then ran off with the rest of the gang, while Norton Williams and Vance Medici stayed to stall Hopkins and incapacitate Johnson.
Early spring 2007[]
After winter ended and spring began, alongside the football season, Smith managed to convince Earnest Jones and the rest of the Nerds that Hopkins was spreading rumors about them and was untrustworthy. This forced Hopkins to pacify the Nerds before he could take on Ted Thompson and the Jocks.
Late spring 2007[]
After Hopkins became the most popular kid at school, Smith became Head Boy under Crabblesnitch. He recruited the Townies to cause issues with the cliques and pin it on Hopkins, taking advantage of their hatred of Bullworth Academy due to their expulsion. This included shipping rats to the Library, burning down the Gym, stealing and burning the GlassJaw Boxing Club trophies and getting Vincent thrown into the Happy Volts Asylum. These all cause the cliques to turn against Hopkins, with Smith finishing it off by snitching on Hopkins graffiting the Bullworth Town Hall, which gets him expelled.
While Hopkins was fighting the Townies off at the Chem-O Lot factory, Smith ambushed Crabblesnitch and knocked him out, before tying him up and starting an all-out riot within the campus. Hopkins, Northrop and Townie leader Edgar Munsen managed to placate the clique leaders, before Hopkins confronted Smith. However, Smith had recruited the prefects to his side, and Seth Kolbe and Max MacTavish ambushed Hopkins and confiscated his weaponry. Northrop then scared the two off, with Smith taunting Hopkins to the roof.
As a raging thunderstorm was occurring, Smith boasted to Hopkins how he was able to manipulate him and the rest of the school so badly, and how intelligent he was. After Smith made an off-color remark about Hopkins' mother being a prostitute, Hopkins tackled him onto the scaffolding, where the two fought. Despite Smith's intelligence and manipulative personality, he was not an excellent fighter; as such, Hopkins managed to beat him up and caused the two of them to crash through the glass roof into Crabblesnitch's office, who heard the entire exchange. Smith was then expelled from Bullworth Academy, causing him to end up back in New Coventry with his horrible family.