Garcia Sanchez III of Pamplona (November 1016-1 September 1054) was King of Pamplona from 18 October 1035 to 1 September 1054, succeeding Sancho III of Pamplona and preceding Sancho IV of Navarre.
Garcia Sanchez was born in November 1016, the son of King Sancho III of Pamplona and the brother of Ramiro I of Aragon, Gonzalo of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza, and Fernando I of Castile. He succeeded his father as King of Pamplona on 18 October 1035 when he was assassinated, and in 1037 he was called on by King Fernando to assist him against King Bermudo III of Leon at the Battle of Tamaron. Bermudo died in battle, and Fernando became the new King of Leon. Garcia was rewarded with the Basque Country due to falling into his brother's favor, but at 1043 he had to fight against his other brother Ramiro of Aragon at Tafalla. Ramiro was defeated, but Ramiro was able to gain territory such as Sanguesa from Garcia, securing his independence. In 1045, Garcia conquered the city of Calahorra from the Moorish taifa that ruled it, taking advantage of the division of the Moorish city-states. Unfortunately, relations between Garcia Sanchez and his brother Fernando soured, leading to the 1 September 1054 Battle of Atapuerca, in which he was slain.