Historica Wiki

Fremantle is a port city in Western Australia, Australia, located at the mouth of the Swan River and in the Perth metropolitan area. The area was inhabited by the Aboriginal Noongar people for millennia, and they called the town Walyalup ("place of the woylie"). The Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh visited Walyalup in 1697, although the Dutch never settled in the area. In 1827, Captain James Stirling explored the coast of Western Australia, and his subordinate, Captain Charles Fremantle, raised the British flag at the bay of Arthur Head on 2 May 1829; Perth was founded on 12 August 1829. On 25 August, the colony of "Fremantle" was founded, named in honor of Captain Fremantle, and the second shipment of immigrants arrived on 10 October 1829 and was later followed by the arrival of the first convicts on 1 June 1850. Australia's last shipment of convicts also arrived at Fremantle, on 10 January 1868. In 1897, Fremantle's harbor was deepened, turning Fremantle into a commercial shipping port and a major port of entry for immigrants arriving amid a gold rush in Western Australia throughout the 1890s. During World War II, Fremantle served as the largest Allied submarine base in the Southern Hemisphere, and the second largest in the Pacific after Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. By 2016, Fremantle had 29,000 inhabitants. With the exception of 2009-2013, when the Australian Greens held the seat, Fremantle's state seat was held by the Australian Labor Party, while its federal seat was held by the ALP from 1934 on.

