Historica Wiki
Fredy Rodriguez Celades

Fredy Rodriguez Celades (1972-15 December 1989) was the son of Jose Rodriguez Gacha and a member of the Medellin Cartel. He was followed by Search Bloc to his father in Tolu, Colombia before both Fredy and Jose were killed in the ensuing raid, Fredy being killed by a helicopter minigun.


Fredy dead

Gacha embracing his dead son

Fredy Rodriguez Celades was born in 1972, the son of Jose Rodriguez Gacha. He was plump just like his father, and he had a sick mind, being complacent and flirting with random women whom he found pretty; in 1989, he kissed a Cartagena waitress' arm and told his father that he wanted to have sex with her. Celades proceeded to shoot her in the head as they fled the Cartagena ranch when the Search Bloc under Colonel Horacio Carrillo closed in, although he showed remorse, wishing that she had just accepted his offer to have sex with him. Celades and his father fled to their ranch in Tolu, where they were hunted down by the Search Bloc forces. They fled the ranch and tried to escape in a red Chevy pickup truck, but a Search Bloc helicopter opened fire on them with a M60E4 door-gunner, and Fredy was killed by some of the bullets as the car was sprayed with fire.
