Historica Wiki
Francisco de Borja

Francisco de Borja (1441-4 November 1511) was a Cardinal of the Catholic Church and a member of the House of Borgia.


Francisco de Borja was born in Xativa, Aragon in 1441, and he became a canon in the cathedral chapter of Valencia. After the election of his uncle as Pope Alexander VI in 1492, he went to Rome to become a protonotary apostolic, and he became treasurer general on 20 September 1493. On 19 August 1495, he was elected Bishop of Teano, retaining the see until 1508. On 28 September 1500, he was named a cardinal priest in pectore, acquiring several benefices. In 1501, he was appointed papal legate to Campagna, and he retook Rocca di Palpa and several other Colonna estates for the Papacy. In 1502, he escorted Lucrezia Borgia to Ferrara for her marriage to Alfonso d'Este, and he also served as Joffre Borgia's tutor. From 1503 to 1504, he served as Camerlengo, and he would later plot against Pope Julius II. On 24 October 1511, he was excommunicated, and he died in Reggio Emilia in November before learning of his excommunication.
