The Federales was a conservative party in Argentina that believed in greater autonomy for the provinces, a "federal" government. The party, founded in 1816 during the war for independence, advocated a free market, religious and ethnic discrimination, and jingoism, and Juan Manuel de Rosas became the undisputed leader of the party after amassing a large personal fortune. From 1829 to 1832 amd from 1835 to 1852, Rosas served as the de facto head of state of the Argentine Confederate with the official title Governor of Buenos Aires, using state terrorism from his Mazorca police and a cult of personality to become very popular. Argentina bended to Rosas' will, and the Federales-dominated government won reelection after conquering Jujuy during the War of the Confederation (1836-1839), defeated the Native Americans, and withstood a French Navy and British Royal Navy blockade (1845-1850). During the Platine War of 1850-1851, however, the Brazilian Empire and Argentine rebels allied against Rosas, and fellow Federales leader Justo Jose de Urquiza became the new leader of Argentina. The Federales and their rivals, the liberal Unitarios, would fight against each other in a series of civil wars until 1880, when Buenos Aires was federalized and a new constitution adopted.