Historica Wiki

Fayah el-Kahir (born in 1901) was an Egyptian woman and the wife of Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir and mother of their nine children.


Fayah was an Egyptian woman who resided in Cairo, the country's capital. By around the mid-1920s, Fayah had met and married Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir, a local excavator, and the pair had several children together, including Moshti and Jasmine. The two decided to stop at nine children by 1936 (though Sallah would later claim to have sired fourteen sons).

Fayah and her family were visited at their home in Cairo by Sallah's good friend, Indiana Jones, and bar owner Marion Ravenwood in 1936, around the time that Sallah and many other local diggers had been brought onto the Nazi excavation of the Ark of the Covenant at Tanis. When a Capuchin monkey made her way into the house, Fayah allowed the animal to stay after Ravenwood mentioned that she liked it.
