Historica Wiki
Queen Falashina 2

Falashina of Semien (752-24 June 793) was Queen of Semien from 769 to 793, preceding Teru.


Falashina Falashin was born in 752, and she was presented to King Demissie of Semien in 769 AD during his search for a bride. Impressed by Falashina's kind, just, and ambitious personality, Demissie took her as his wife. Falashina gave birth to Michal (775), Rebecca (778), Judith (780), Orpah (784), Deborah (785), and Makeda (788). Falashina was initially staunchly opposed to her husband's seduction of other women, even forcing the king's mistress Nyala to break up with the king on pain of death in 788. However, she later came to be aroused by her husband's seduction of other women, and she even helped him seduce some of his side women. Demissie was devastated when his wife died after a period of illness in 793 at the age of 41, but he quickly replaced her as queen with his mistress Teru.

