Eystein Halfdansson (740-790) was the Chief of Heidmark from 764 to 790 and the head of the House of Yngling from 755 to 790 (succeeding Halfdan Hvitbeinn and preceding Halfdan the Mild).
Eystein Halfdansson was born in 740, the son of Halfdan Hvitbeinn and the brother of Gudrodr Halfdansson. He was nicknamed Eystein Fret ("the Fart") for an unknown reason, and he became ruler of Vestfold through marriage. He later took part in a Viking raid on Varna on the eastern side of the Oslofjord, and, on his return, he drowned when he was knocked overboard by the ship's sail during a strong gust of wind. He was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Mild.