Historica Wiki
Evaristo Porras Ardila

Evaristo Porras Ardila (10 April 1948-3 March 2010) was a Colombian cocaine trafficker and one of the leaders of the Medellin Cartel.


Evaristo Porras Ardila was born in Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia in 1948. Porras became the head of the Leticia-Tabatinga cartel in Colombia's Amazonas department, and, while he was arrested for the first time in 1978 in Peru, he escaped by pretending to be ill. He became a partner in Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel, and, in 1984, he became infamous when it was revealed that he had made a large monetary contribtuion to Rodrigo Lara Bonilla's Senate campaign. He was arrested in May 1984 after Lara Bonilla's assassination, but he was only charged with the illegal possession of weapons and paid his bail. He was arrested again in 1987 after Guillermo Cano Isaza's assassination, but he was released shortly after. In 1989, he was captured in Ecuador and deported to Colombia, but he underwent plastic surgery in Bogota and was released from jail shortly after. In 1995, he was captured for the fifth and final time while suffering from Parkinson's disease, and he died in 2010, alone and penniless.
