Historica Wiki
Esther Kasabian

Esther Kasabian was a German-Jewish actress and singer and the wife of Berlin Mafia boss Edgar Kasabian. Kasabian had a successful career before Edgar prevented her from performing while she was married to him; at this time, she struck up a romance with Edgar's close associate Walter Weintraub. In 1929, she persuaded Edgar to let her replace the deceased Betty Winter, Tilly Brooks, and Vera Lohmann as the new star of Demons of Passion in spite of the risks involved, as the murderer of the last three actresses was still at large. Sandor Gosztony and Leopold Ulrich, the men behind the murders, were arrested by the Berlin Police before Esther could be harmed, and she and her costar Tristan Rot received great applause at the premiere of their film.
