Historica Wiki
Eric Marteinn

Eric Marteinn (died 793) was a Norwegian Viking warrior during the 8th century AD.


Eric Marteinn was born in Kattegat, Norway, and he became close friends with Ragnarr Lodbrok and helped to recruit his warband in 793 AD. He and his son Leif Marteinn took part in Ragnarr's raids on Britannia that year, including the Sack of Lindisfarne and the Sack of Hexham; Ragnarr, Eric, and Leif were the only Vikings not to kill any civilians during the two attacks. Eric Marteinn later took part in Ragnarr's victory celebrations after he was acquitted of the murder of Knut Tjodolf back in Kattegat, only to be stabbed dead by Earl Haraldson's assassins while urinating. The assassins ultimately failed in killing Ragnarr, as all of them were cut down first.

