Eric Campbell in 1931.
Eric Campbell (11 April 1893-2 September 1970) was an Australian lieutenant-colonel and the leader of the fascist Centre Party from December 1933 to 11 May 1935.
Eric Campbell was born in Young, New South Wales, Australia on 11 April 1893, and he served as a Lieutenant in the Australian Army during World War I, fighting at the Battle of the Somme in 1916 and being wounded in a gas attack in November 1917. In 1919, he became a solicitor in New South Wales, becoming a wealthy lawyer with powerful friends. In 1933, he founded the fascist Centre Party to oppose the socialist tendencies of Premier Jack Lang, and he polled 16.7% of the vote at the 1935 New South Wales state election, after which his party dissolved. He died in 1970.