Historica Wiki
Eric Bloodaxe

Eric Bloodaxe (885-954) was King of Norway from 931 to 933, succeeding Harald Fairhair and preceding Haakon I of Norway.


Eric Bloodaxe was born in 885, a son of Harald Fairhair. Eric took part in viking raids against the Baltics, Denmark, Frisia, Germany, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, and Russia, sailing up the Dvina River to sack the Russian port of Permina. In 931, he claimed the throne of Norway after the death of his father, although he had to slay his half-brothers in order to consolidate his power. However, his half-brother Haakon I of Norway invaded Norway with an army provided to him by King Aethelstan of England, and the landholders forced Eric out of the country in 933. In 937, Eric invaded England and defeated the Anglo-Saxons in battle at Brunanburh, and he ruled over Northumbria as king. He would also make himself King of the Hebrides after conquering them. In 954, he was murdered by an earl named Maccus in Scotland.
