Historica Wiki
Ely Moore

Ely Moore (4 July 1798-27 January 1860) was a member of the US House of Representatives (D-NY 3) from 4 March 1835 to 3 March 1839, succeeding John J. Morgan and preceding James Monroe.


Ely Moore was born in Belvidere, New Jersey in 1798, and he worked as printer and editor of a labor newspaper in New York City before founding the General Trades Union. He attacked the moneyed aristocracy, the national bank, and wage inequalities. Backed by Tammany Hall and the Locofocos, he served in the US House of Representatives from 1835 to 1839, and he supported Rhode Island's Dorr Rebellion in 1842. He also assailed abolitionism due to his fears that emancipated Black slaves would be used as cheap labor to drive down the wages of white laborers. In 1853, he became an Indian agent in Kansas, and he served as register of the US land office in Lecompton from 1855 until his death in 1860.
