Ealdorman Hacca (died 875) was a West Saxon ealdorman and the brother of Ealdorman Freola of Hampshire. In 874, he was given command of King Alfred the Great's newly-built 12-ship fleet, although Hacca despised ships and preferred to fight on land; he often got seasick. He commanded a three-ship flotilla at the Battle of Hamptun in 875, but, after the battle, he convinced Alfred to accept his resignation as admiral, as he fell ill from his seafaring. Alfred gave Uhtred of Bebbanburg command of the fleet after he convinced a female servant to influence a bishop into having a "dream" about Uhtred being given the job. When the Danes under Guthrum besieged Wareham later that year, Hacca was one of the notable hostages given to the Danes, who gave several of their own earls as hostages. However, Guthrum had Hacca and the other captives massacred (except for Uhtred, thanks to Ragnar Ragnarsson) after Ubbe Ragnarrsson's army arrived to reinforce him.