Eadwulf II of Northumbria (864-913) was King of Northumbria from 878 to 913, succeeding Ecgberht II and preceding Ealdred I.
Eadwulf was born in 864, the son of King Ecgberht II of Northumbria and Coenburg of Northumbria and the younger brother of Osberht Aetheling. He succeeded his father as King of Northumbria and Reeve of Bebbanburg on his deposition in 878, and he was a favorite of King Alfred the Great of Wessex. Eadwulf ruled over the former kingdom of Bernicia in northern Northumbria, with Scandinavian kings ruling the former Deira (present-day Yorkshire) in the south. Eadwulf's kingdom extended from the River Tyne in the south to southern Scotland in the north, and, in 913, he was killed by the rebellious lord Eadred. He was succeeded by his son Ealdred.