Historica Wiki
Dunbar 868

Dunbar is a town on the North Sea in Lothian, Scotland, located 30 miles east of Edinburgh and 30 miles from Berwick-upon-Tweed. It was known to the Picts as Dun Barra and to the Britons as Din Baer, both meaning "summit fort". It was the principal settlement of the Pictish Votadini tribe, and it was conquered by Northumbria during the 6th century AD. Dunbar was burned by Kenneth mac Alpin in the 9th century, and, following the 1018 Battle of Carham, Dunbar and the rest of Lothian were ceded to Scotland by England. Dunbar became a royal burgh in 1370, and Scotland and England often fought over control of the town. The castle was slighted in 1568, and major battles were fought nearby in 1296 and 1650. In 1855, the British Army established the Castle Park Barracks in Dunbar, and it became a seaside holiday and golfing resort during the 19th century. In 2011, Dunbar had a population of 8,486.

