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Duke Evers

Tony "Duke" Evers (1937-2016) was an African-American professional boxer and boxing trainer who served as the manager and trainer to Apollo Creed before becoming the manager to Rocky Balboa. He was the father of Little Duke Evers, who also became a famous boxer.


Tony Evers was born in Los Angeles, California in 1937, and he was a professional boxer during the 1950s and 1960s before retiring and becoming a boxing trainer. He became the manager and trainer of Apollo Creed, who - under his tutelage - became the world heavyweight champion; they were also close friends for several years. In 1975, he cautioned Creed about the underdog amateur boxer Rocky Balboa before the 1 January 1976 Bicentennial fight, but Creed ignored his warnings and intended to put on a good show; in the ensuing match, Balboa survived all fifteen rounds and even knocked Creed down in the first round, but Creed won by split decision. Evers warned Creed against holding a rematch, as Balboa had given Evers the worst beating of his career in the first match. However, the rematch took place on 25 November 1976, and Creed was knocked out by Balboa. After Creed retired, Evers returned to his hometown of Los Angeles and worked with up-and-coming fighters at the Tough Gym. He returned to the scene after Creed became Balboa's new trainer due to the death of Mickey Goldmill, and Creed and Evers revamped Balboa's fighting style after his first loss to Clubber Lang, rejuvenating him so that he could defeat Lang in the rematch. In 1985, Evers was devastated when Creed was killed in the ring by Soviet Olympic boxer Ivan Drago, as he felt that Creed was like a son to him. Balboa avenged Creed by beating Drago, and he retired soon after due to his many injuries, and Evers himself decided to retire. He again returned as Balboa's trainer before his exhibition fight against Mason Dixon, and he developed a way for Balboa to make the most out of his immense physical strength. Balboa lost by split decision, but he celebrated his ability to prove that he was no joke, despite his age and declining strength. Evers retired for a final time, and he passed away in 2016. His son Little Duke Evers opened the Delphi Boxing Academy in Los Angeles, and he became Adonis Creed's trainer in 2015.
