Historica Wiki
Dmytro Yarosh

Dmytro Yarosh (born 30 September 1971) is the leader of the fascist Right Sector organization who played a significant role in the Ukrainian Revolution in 2014.


Yarosh was born in Dniprodzerzhinsk in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in the Ukraine SSR of the Soviet Union and in February 1989 joined the People's Movement of Ukraine, a conservatist and Ukrainian nationalist party, serving in the Soviet Army for 1989-1991. From 1994 to 1996 he fought the Russian Army in the First Chechen War with the Ukrainian National Self-Defense Force guerrillas, who aided the Chechen insurgency. In 2001 he graduated from the State University of Education in Drohobych.

In early 2014, Yarosh helped to found the Right Sector fascist political group alongside Oleksandr Muzychko during the Ukrainian Revolution and aided the revolt against the dictator Viktor Yanukovych. But in the aftermath of Oleksandr Turchynov's revolution, Yarosh was wanted as a terrorist leader and the government was encouraged to use "Mossad examples" to kill the two leaders. Muzychko was assassinated on 24 March, but Yarosh survived and became a candidate for the presidential elections of May.
