Diokles of Mykonos (479-429 BC) was a Mykonian general during the Peloponnesian War. The younger brother of Podarkes the Cruel, he was slain by the Spartan mercenary Kassandra at the Battle of Mykonos in 429 BC.
Diokles was born on Mykonos, Silver Islands, Ancient Greece in 479 BC, the younger brother of Podarkes. He aided his brother in his rise to power, becoming the commander of his army on Mykonos. During the Delian rebellion, he became feared by the rebels, whose leader Kyra (his estranged niece) claimed that he fought with the fury of Ares. When the Spartan army of Herodianos invaded in 429 BC, Diokles led the Athenian army to face them on the beaches, and he challenged the mercenary Kassandra to a duel. In the ensuing fight, Kassandra slew the powerful Diokles, causing Athenian morale to collapse.