Decius (201-June 251) was Emperor of the Roman Empire from 249 to 251, succeeding Philip the Arab and preceding Trebonianus Gallus.
Decius was born in Sirmium, Pannonia Inferior, and he became a distinguished senator who served as consul in 232. He governed Moesia and Germania Inferior, and from 235 to 238 he governed Hispania Tarraconensis. In 245, Emperor Philip the Arab gave him a command on the Danube River, and in September 249 he rebelled against Philip with 40,000 troops, defeating Philip's 20,000 troops at Verona and killing him. He was reluctant to become emperor of the Roman Empire, but he agreed in the end. During his reign, the Decian persecutions against Christianity killed Pope Fabian and Babylas, the patriarch of Antioch. In 251, he was slain at the Battle of Abritus while fighting against King Cniva of the Goths, and Trebonianus Gallus succeeded him.