Historica Wiki
David O'Donnell

David O'Donnell (1835-1888) was a member of the Blighters gang.


David O'Donnell was born in London to a poor family, and his parents abandoned him on church steps while he was very young. He was embittered as he grew up without parents, raising himself and having a rough life. O'Donnell decided to join the Blighters gang, and he threw explosives at tabernacles in revenge for his sorry life. In 1868, Evie Frye kidnapped him and delivered him to the Metropolitan Police Service for a bounty. David spent 10 years in prison, but in 1878 he managed to escape from his prison and get back on their activities. During the Autumn of Terror, David was one of the witnesses to the murders of Jack the Ripper, and he was in Depfort in 1888. Jack joined him and caught him by the head, threw him to the ground and then stab him in the throat.
