Dante Moro (1460-July 11, 1486) was a Venetian nobleman who served as Captain of the City Guard under Doge Giovanni Mocenigo. He was later severely wounded by fellow noble Marco Barbarigo, who tried to steal his wife, and he was reduced in his mental state. Moro thus became a virtual slave of Barbarigo, becoming his personal bodyguard.
Dante Moro was the heir to one of the most prestigious families in Venice, being the son of Doge Cristoforo Moro, and was Captain of the City Guard. He married a beautiful woman named Carlotta, but when fellow nobleman Marco Barbarigo tried to take her, Dante hired assassins to kill him. This failed, and Marco had Dante be stabbed in the head with a spear. He was severely brain damaged and wounded, but survived, and since he was in the mental state of a child, Marco took advantage of this by forcing him to sign papers confessing annullment of his marriage and by making him his personal bodyguard. Moro was a lapdog without a mind of his own, and was a reactive decision maker.
In 1486, he took part in a competition during Carnivale, sent to fight Ezio Auditore da Firenze in the ring by Silvio Barbarigo. In the match, Ezio was untouched, stomping on Moro until the match ended. However, Silvio told the man presiding over the competition to make Moro the winner, so Moro received a mask that allowed him entry to Marco's party, which Ezio needed to assassinate Marco. Ezio later pickpocketed Dante while he was distracted by prostitutes and stole back the mask. Shortly after, Marco was killed.
Afterward, Dante Moro served Silvio Barbarigo and aided him in defending L'Armoria from the Assassins, acting as the commander of the 200+ mercenaries defending Silvio.

Moro's death
Aided by Bartolomeo d'Alviano and his mercenaries , Ezio attacked the arsenal. Many of the Barbarigo mercenaries were lured out by d'Alviano's condottieri, leaving the armory vulnerable to attack by Ezio, who moved in. Dante was defeated but ordered by Silvio to retreat, and Silvio was struck down by Ezio as he attempted to flee to the ships at the docks. Dante fled to one of the ships, but he was stabbed in the back by Ezio's hidden blades after Ezio caught up with him. While Silvio refused to tell Ezio where the ships were bound, Dante told him that they were going to go to Cyprus, and he died of his wounds shortly after.