Historica Wiki
Danish people

The Danes are a Nordic ethnic group who belong to Denmark, a country in the Scandinavia region of Northern Europe. The Danes were originally one of the many Germanic tribes living in Northern Europe, and the Danes inhabited Sjaelland and other nearby kingdoms in Denmark. The Danish barbarians left their lands to raid northern Europe and retrieve gold and plunder, also acquiring the Roman alphabet; the Danes used the Roman alphabet to help in developing the rune alphabet system. During the Dark Ages, the Danes fought against the Heathobards to the south, the Frisians to the west, and the Swedes to the north, and the Danish Scyldings allied with the Geats. In the 10th century, Harald Bluetooth converted the Danes to Christianity, and the Danes settled in Denmark and northern Europe. In 2013, there were 5,602,628 Danes on Earth.

