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Historica Wiki

Damastes (72 BC-) was a 1st century BC Egyptian man who served as an informant for Apollodorus the Sicilian. In 48 BC, he and Sarapou were sent to bring an important scroll to Pompey the Great to secure his alliance with Cleopatra, but their boat was sunk in Kanopos Lake by Ptolemaic soldiers. Damastes was captured, but Sarapou escaped to Apollodorus, telling him about the incident. Apollodorus sent his associate Bayek to rescue Damastes and retrieve the scroll, and Bayek rescued Damastes from the Menelaite Trireme docks of Kanopos. Damastes told Bayek that the scroll had been sunken with the ship, so Bayek went to dive for the scroll as Damastes fled the area. He later joined Phoxidas and Aya's trireme on the mission to ally with Pompey, and he also fought against Roman ships in the Tyrrhenian Sea in 46 BC.
