Conrad Oxford in 1916.
Conrad Oxford (1895 -1917) was a British noble and war hero during World War I.
Conrad Oxford was born to Orlando and Emily Oxford in 1895, Oxford, England. His parents were the Duke and Duchess of Oxford, but most of all they were part of the Red Cross; helping people when it was needed.
In 1902, Conrad, then 7 years old, was traveling with his parents and their family bodyguard Shola to a camp to bring supplies to General Kitchener and his troops. When the family arrived with the supplies, Conrad stayed back at the cart with Shola, waiting for his father and mother to finish discussing business. But before massive discussion could happen, a sniper begins firing at soliders in the camp. One of the bullets hit Conrad's father in the mid-thigh; making him have to use a cane to walk properly.
Conrad, still in the cart was advised by Shola to duck down and wait until the shooting stopped. Shola went to go after the sniper, but even though he stopped the sniper, he couldn't stop the sniper's last shot. The last shot hit Emily in the abdomen; killing her in a matter of minutes. Conrad at that moment exited the cart, and ran to his parents. But before getting to his mother's body, his father used his suit jacket to cover his mother's face up.
Twelve years later in 1914, Conrad and his father were witnesses of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assasination by the Serb terrorist Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo.
In 1916, Conrad joined the army, posing as a Scottish soldier. Conrad helped a British Spy who was in No man's land with a group of soldiers. That night they met a few German soldiers which they fought until the Captain shot a gun to save Conrad's life, but that shot alerted both sides, and they started to shoot each other. Conrad ran away from the ballets, and he hid in a crater with the spy. The next morning, Conrad rescued the spy and carried him to the British barracks, but one Scottish soldier thought that Conrad was a German spy because he said his was Archie Cox, and that soldier was a friend of the real Archie. Conrad died, and the Scottish soldier was court-martialled.