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The Conquest of Kyushu occurred during the Sengoku period. Hideyoshi Toyotomi assembled a large army of 200,000 soldiers from several clans to aid the Tachibana clan against Yoshihiro Shimazu's rampage through the nine provinces of Kyushu, and the coalition army brought the 30,000 Shimazu troops to battle.

The Toyotomi forces under Kiyomasa Kato had to defend the Tachibana Castle until Hideyoshi and the main army arrived, upon which the two armies would counterattack and seize Hakata from its mercenary garrison. As Kiyomasa defended the Tachibana main camp from attack, Muneshige Tachibana headed for the Shimazu main camp, and his wife Ginchiyo Tachibana focused on defeating the Shimazu vanguard. The allied forces succeeded in defending the Tachibana Castle until Hideyoshi arrived with the main army, and Yoshihiro decided to order his army to withdraw and prepare to strike another blow. However, Muneshige ordered an advance, and Kiyomasa led the counterattack against the Shimazu forces. Kiyomasa seized the northeastern garrison from Iehisa Shimazu while Muneshige raided the siege force camp, driving the Shimazu forces into further retreat.

Next, Mitsunari Ishida headed for Iwaya Castle, while Hideyoshi ordered an advance on Hakata, held by Magoichi Saika and his force of mercenaries. Kiyomasa captured Hakata from Saika's forces, and Yoshihisa, who was cautious about being surrounded, ordered a retreat. Yoshihiro also decided to abandon Iwaya Castle and liaise with his brother, but Kiyomasa defeated Yoshihiro before he could do so. Kiyomasa proceeded to defeat Yoshihisa before he could retreat further, ending the battle. The Shimazu clan was subdued, and Iwaya Castle was returned to the Tachibana (Muneshige's father had died defending the castle from Yoshihiro's army). With Kyushu pacified, Hideyoshi was now able to set his sights on the Hojo clan of Kanto.
