The Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (CUN) is a far-right political party in Ukraine which was founded on 18 October 1992 by Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists leaders Slava Stetsko and Roman Zvarych. It became the eleventh political party to attain registration in Ukraine, doing so on 26 January 1993, and the party supported democratic nationalism and a strong nation-state independent from Russia. The party supported Zionism and Israel, regarding Ze'ev Jabotinsky as a hero, unlike other, more anti-Semitic Ukrainian nationalist organizations; however, it still labelled "cosmopolitanism" - a derogatory term for Judaism - as one of its social enemies, along with Ukraine's colonial past, mass Russification, and the complex of less-worth culture. In 2010, the CUN elected 17 local deputies, .03% of all available mandates.