Historica Wiki

Confidence Fox was an operational sector of the United States military's Operation Confidence hearts-and-minds mission in eastern Afghanistan. The sector was named for the US Army's forward operating base (FOB) at Fox Base, which was established on the eleventh day of the operation. The Americans aimed to win hearts and minds in the village of Eran, and they established an FOB on a mountainside across the dirt road from the village. The first hostile action occurred when a Buffalo MRAP was destroyed by an IED while driving down the road from Eran to Obeh; however, Eran was mostly peaceful and cooperative early into the operation. The Americans engaged in IED-clearing operations in the area, but, on 8 April 2012, a US Army helicopter was damaged by Taliban RPG fire as it flew over the Fox sector and towards Hotel Base. On 26 May 2012, the outpost experienced its first combat when a Taliban technical drove up the rural stretch of the Khost Highway, resulting in a clash between the technical and an Afghan National Army squad stationed at the FOB. The inexperienced and demoralized ANA troops were massacred in the ensuing clash.

