Confederation Liberty and Independence, better known simply as Confederation (Konfederacja in Polish), is a right political party and alliance which was founded on 6 December 2018 by the libertarian KORWiN party and the ultranationalist National Movement. The alliance's platform included eliminating the income tax, making social insurance payments optional, reducing gasoline taxes, reducing government spending, hiring more judges' assistants, restoring capital punishment, creating a school voucher program, allowing parents to opt their children out of sexual education classes, creating a cultural voucher which could be used on arts or museums, allowing licensed civilians to own firearms, allowing the use of nuclear energy, opposing the European Union's refugee resettlement program, opposing increases in immigration, assimilating immigrants into Polish culture, banning the importation of garbage, opposing the EU's climate change rules, opposing abortion, abolishing penalties for street trade and raising the limits on unlicensed trade, raising the VAT exemption, indexing the tax exempt amount to be twelve times the minimum wage, and allowing businesses to refuse service on moral grounds. By 2019, 20% of all voters under 30 supported the Konfederacja, with 2/3 of its voters being male and more than 3/5 living in smaller towns and rural areas.