The Communist Party of Burma (CPB) is a communist party in Burma that was founded on 15 August 1939. The party was founded by Aung San, Thakin Ba Hein, Thakin Bo, Bo Let Ya, Thakin Soe, H.N. Goshal, and Amar Nag. The party supported resistance against the United Kingdom and Japan during World War II, and the party advocated temporary cooperation with the British and the establishment of a political alliance with the Soviet Union in order to fight against fascism during the war. On 27 March 1945, the CPB launched a national uprising, and the party was legal from 1945 to 1948. After the war, the party espoused Earl Browder's view that armed struggle was no longer necessary due to the weakening of world fascism and imperialism, causing splits within the party; one wing founded the "Red Flags", while the other founded the "White Flags". The party was banned in 1948 at the startof the internal conflict in Burma, with the party beginning an insurgency on 2 April 1948. The insurgency ended on 21 September 1988, with the fall of communism and the ousting of the Burmese socialist dictatorship leading to an end to the conflict.