Colton Greenfield (born 13 June 1952), codenamed "Stryker", was an American soldier and CIA agent who served in the CIA Special Activities Division during the early 1980s. Greenfield served as one of the first testers of prototype military hardware, using them to their maximum effectiveness against Perseus in 1984.
Early life[]
Colton Greenfield was born on June 13, 1952, in Texas, the son of a disabled World War II veteran. Two of his brothers were killed in the Vietnam War, while Greenfield enrolled into West Point with a Service-connected nomination. He graduated top of his class four years later with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, becoming a US Army officer.
Army career[]
In 1979, after Greenfield's first deployment, he received a glowing Officer Evaluation Report and made record scores in the Ranger Orientation Program, which quickly allowed his entry into the US Army Rangers. He was one of several Rangers who captured the Manzariyeh Air Base during Operation Eagle Claw in 1980, though the operation ended terribly for the United States.
CIA career[]
After this, in 1981, Greenfield was invited to the SOG of CIA SAD based on peer recommendations and his service record. In 1982, Greenfield was inducted to a classified SOG task force focusing on future warfare and counterinsurgency, where he was issued prototype top-of-the-line gear for battle-testing. Here, he was given the codename of "Stryker".
West Berlin[]
On 23 July 1984, Stryker deployed alongside legendary agent Frank Woods and other CIA SAD operatives to stop Perseus forces from taking control of the Echelon NATO listening station on Teufelsberg, West Berlin. Kaori Tanaka was the leader of the Perseus task force, broadcasting a numbers program developed by Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin which turned the NATO operatives against one another. Stryker and Woods escaped and were the only survivors, not being affected by the program.
Stryker deployed to Verdansk as part of the proxy war there, fighting both Warsaw Pact soldiers and Perseus agents.