Historica Wiki
Clay Davies

Clay Davies (1862-) was an American rustler and horse fencer who lived in Clemens Cove, Louisiana during the late 19th century.


Clay Davies was born in Mansfield, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana in 1862, the older brother of Clive Davies. He and his brother became rustlers, running an illegal horse trading operation from Clemens Cove and selling stolen horses out of state for profit. In 1899, they met Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, and John Marston when they delivered three stallions stolen from the Braithwaite family, but the outlaws were angered when Clay offered them only $700 for horses which Tavish Gray claimed were worth $5,000. Nevertheless, he established a long-lasting business relationship with the gang, buying stolen horses from them and selling them out of state.
