Circe was, in Greek mythology, an enchantress and minor goddess who ruled over the island of Aeaea in thet Mediterranean Sea. The daughter of the god Helios and the nymph Perse, she was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs, and she transformed her enemies and those who offended her into animals, including the nymph Scylla, whom she transformed into a sea monster out of jealousy for the sea god Glaucus' love for Scylla over her. In 1182 BC, when Odysseus and his Greek warriors arrived on her island after being blown off course from Ithaca, Circe changed most of Odysseus' crew into swine. Odysseus persuaded her to return them to human shape and lived with her for a year, fathering Latinus and Telegonus with her. Circe then advised Odysseus to travel to the Underworld next, and only then did Odysseus realize that Circe had cast a spell on him which led him to stay on the island for a year rather than a day. Odysseus promptly dug his ship out of the sand and sailed to the Underworld.