Historica Wiki
Chief Wuge of Ket

Chief Wuge of Ket (20 August 1032-18 May 1076) was the chief of Ket under the Liao dynasty.


Wuge was born to a lowborn Buddhist family of Khitans, and he rose to become a commander of the Liao dynasty. Wuge was one of Emperor Daozong of Liao's commanders during his campaigning in Central Asia, and in 1066 he rewarded his loyalty by enfeoffing him with the Tribe of Ket, making him the chief of the vassal sate. His descendants became known as the "House of Wuge". Wuge was also made the Seneschal of the Liao dynasty. In 1076 he died after a period of illness, having served the Liao dynasty loyally until his passing at the age of 43.

