Historica Wiki
Checho Gonzalez

Luis "Checho" Orlando Gonzalez Jimenez (21 June 1933-13 December 2022) was a Chilean right-wing musician. Born in Iquique in 1933, he and his brothers formed a musical group during the 1950s, and, in 1995, he authored the song "Mi General Augusto Pinochet" as part of his tribute album Himno en Honor al Capitán General Don Augusto Pinochet Ugarte – Apología y marchas al Ejército de Chile (Hymns in Honor of Captain-General Don Augusto Pinochet Ugarte - Apology and Marches of the Chilean Army). In 2010, he also authored a song in honor of the 33 miners trapped in the Copiapo mine, having witnessed the relief efforts himself. He died in Iquique in 2022 at the age of 89.
