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- Acwulf Hunter
- Acwulf the Trainer
- Aegheard of Lanforth
- Aelbert of Shiptwatt
- Aelfgiest of Kinstead
- Aelfstan of Mynyddworthy
- Aelwin the Waller
- Aescwig the Paget
- Aethelmaer Farmer
- Aethelnoth of Shipey
- Aethelred of Steadleigh
- Aethelwig of Ballabost
- Aethelwold Trinder
- Aethelwulf the Tucker
- Alcfrith of Nanthorpe
- Aldfrith the Hooper
- Aldwulf Carpenter
- Aldwyn Forester
- Alfar Wood
- Alfwaerd Sickler
- Alred the Forester
- Alwin Bowman
- Alwyn Chaffer
- Angeltheow Eadulfing
- Angenlaf the Wright
- Anlaf the Skipper
- Anlaf Weaver
- Arnulf Potter
- Asulf the Hayward
- Baldred Cheeseman
- Bardolph Hooker
- Beaduric of Dalay
- Beagmund of Tillystead
- Bedric Archer
- Beorcol of Shipweald
- Beorhtmaer of Llynworth
- Beornfred Drage
- Beornfred of Sutwardine
- Beornred the Gardner
- Beornwald the Bowman
- Bregowine Trumhering
- Brihteah Nader
- Brihteah of Dumforth
- Brihteah of Strathwich
- Brihtsige Stanier
- Brunweard the Hooper
- Brychan Fuller
- Burchard of Langceter
- Burghelm Graves
- Burghred the Cater
- Eadbald the Dyer
- Eadbehrt of Kilea
- Eadda Spittle
- Eadmaer of Landean
- Eadnod Sargent
- Eadnoth Brown
- Eadric Fuller
- Eadric Sargent
- Eadstan the Chalker
- Ealhstan Hammer
- Eambald Young
- Eanlac of Porthgarth
- Earconbert of Llanborough
- Eardwul of Sudketh
- Ecgmund of Fintun
- Ecgric of Bradgill
- Edwy Chaffer
- Egfrid of Ballatoft
- Egric Fowler
- Eilmund of Auchteray
- Elphege Green
- Elstan of Linby
- Engelram Redman
- Esegar the Potter
- Esegar Woods
- Estmar Drumdale
- Estmar of Sutcheth
- Estmar Ufegeating
- Halig
- Heardred Kantor
- Heferth Wyarding
- Hengest of Kylefirth
- Heregils Wheeler
- Hereman of Linby
- Heremod of Caerleigh
- Herered the Lorimer
- Herrig the Taverner
- Hiroc Pitby
- Hrethbeorht Carter
- Hrethbeorht Walker
- Hringhere of Auchstead
- Hrothsige of Dunfos
- Hughoc the Spencer
- Hunbald of Langthorpe
- Hunsige the Wright
- Hunstan Provost
- Hwaetmund
- Hygbald of Caerdon
- Hygebeorht of Dinasceter
- Hynsige of Dinasghyll
- Hynsige Tiller
- Sabeorht Cuichelming
- Sabeorht the Plummer
- Sabert Draper
- Saebeorht Lush
- Saebeorht of Invergate
- Saefugl the Baxter
- Saewine the Tranter
- Saward Tabor
- Sawin of Northwaite
- Scirheah of Achghyll
- Sibwine Clark
- Sigebert of Ballport
- Sigeheah Waller
- Sigehelm Cantrell
- Sihtric Kjartansson
- Steapa Snotor
- Stithwulf Cooper
- Strongric Snyder
- Swaefheard Cutter
- Swaefheard of Auchenbeck
- Swithbert Cheesewright
- Swithun of Aberwyke