People from the island of Sicily or the Kingdom of Sicily.
All items (2252)
- Anselmo Petrucelli
- Abbondanzio Anselmo
- Antelmo Senna
- Antemion, son of Aschines
- Antemion, son of Lamachos
- Antero De Santis
- Anthemion, son of Anthemion
- Anthony Molinari
- Antichares, son of Orestes
- Antino Di Mario
- Antisthenes, son of Clonius
- Antonello Pilla
- Antonino Allegra
- Antoninus Siculus
- Antonio Mastrostefano
- Antonis Marinelis
- Anytus, son of Eubulus
- Apisaon, son of Melegros
- Apisaon, son of Praxis
- Apollodoros, son of Glaukos
- Apollodoros, son of Philonikos
- Apollodorus the Sicilian
- Apollos, son of Exekias
- Apostolis Chondrotis
- Apostolis Kaneloglou
- Apostolos Monotis
- Appius Tertinius Eudoxius
- Appius Verginius Nemnogenus
- Aqhat bat Bodashtart
- Aradus bat Adonys
- Aradus bat Yehawwielon
- Aranth Rutane
- Arcesilaus of Naulochus
- Archagoras, son of Pleistarchos
- Archelaos, son of Olus
- Archeptolemus, son of Metrophanes
- Archesilaus, son of Theron
- Archilochus, son of Meurius
- Archimedes
- Ardito Bucolo
- Ardito Carangelo
- Arduino De Luise
- Arete (daughter of Dionysius)
- Argaeus, son of Naukles
- Argiris Christilis
- Argiris Pallas
- Argo Ferrario
- Argos, son of Atreus
- Aridolis, son of Anaxilaus
- Aridolis, son of Gordias
- Ario Orsini
- Arion, son of Metron
- Ariosto Bruni
- Aris Adornetto
- Aris Iuliano
- Aris Tatellis
- Aristaios, son of Antenor
- Aristaios, son of Trophnus
- Aristarchos Andrellis
- Aristarchus, son of Kadmos
- Aristeo Rovito
- Aristidis Alanilis
- Aristidis Mutatos
- Aristidis Pipelis
- Aristippus, son of Cratippus
- Aristobulus, son of Kaunos
- Aristocles, son of Ophelestes
- Aristodemos, son of Philoctetes
- Aristogeiton, son of Ucalegon
- Aristophantes, son of Eudoxus
- Aristos, son of Alcimos
- Aristotles, son of Neokles
- Aristoxenus, son of Philotas
- Armando Corbinelli
- Arminio Valenti
- Arnth Leusa
- Arrabaios, son of Euphorbos
- Arrigo Alberighi
- Arrigo Campobasso
- Arrigo di Montforte
- Arruns Caeparius Panthera
- Arruns Caesetius Burrus
- Arruns Hosidius Surius
- Arsenios of Syracuse
- Artemas, son of Teucer
- Artemidoros, son of Harpocras
- Artemis (dancer)
- Artemisthenes, son of Epeius
- Arturo Talluto
- Arvad bat Donis
- Asasthenes, son of Ennychus
- Ascalaphus, son of Iambulus
- Ascalaphus, son of Konon
- Aschines, son of Proxenos
- Asimodeo Del Ponte
- Asius Siculus
- Asius, son of Sabas
- Asklepios, son of Cyrenios
- Asonides, son of Echëeus
- Asopodoros, son of Lykomedes
- Asopus, son of Ameinias
- Asopus, son of Asasthenes
- Assaraeus, son of Ephialtes
- Assaraeus, son of Polyphemous
- Assaraeus, son of Selepos
- Assaraeus, son of Xanthos
- Aleardo Asta
- Astartus bat Balthezar
- Aster, son of Cineas
- Aster, son of Haemon
- Aster, son of Thukydides
- Ataleo Zappone
- Atanasio Tessitore
- Athamas, son of Labotas
- Athenaeus, son of Megistias
- Athenion
- Athenodorus, son of Anchimolios
- Manius Atilius Verullus
- Atiphates, son of Milanion
- Atreus, son of Airopos
- Atrometos, son of Theophrastus
- Attaginos, son of Democedes
- Atys, son of Ennychus
- Auberto Perretti
- Augusto Cucci
- Augustus Axius Durus
- Aulus Aburius Polybius
- Aulus Burrienus Fuscinus
- Aulus Claudius Hortensius
- Aulus Pompilius Publianus
- Aulus Sittius Otho
- Aulus Viducius Voteporix
- Aurelio Profuterius
- Autodikos, son of Agathon
- Autodikos, son of Kalchas
- Autodikos, son of Kandaules
- Automedon, son of Harmatidas
- Aloisio Avella
- Averardo Caloprara
- Axylus, son of Bias
- Azmelqart bat Aderbaal
- Azzurra Capobianco
- Baalhanno bat Abdosir
- Baalhanno bat Hammon
- Baalshillek bat Eshmunazar
- Babis Petridis
- Bacchides, son of Eurydemos
- Bacchios, son of Thaulos
- Alfonso Bacci
- Bacco Coppolino
- Bacis, son of Nymphodorus
- Gaetano Badalamenti
- Alonzo Badalto
- Antonio Baggio
- Baldassarre Cavallaro
- Baldo bat Belshazzar
- Baldo Lattanzio
- Baldomero Puzio
- Balthasar bat Paltibaal
- Balthazar bat Itthobaal
- Balthezar bat Abdosir
- Balthezar bat Beirut
- Baltser bat Aradus
- Baltser bat Eshmunamash
- Balzer bat Carthage
- Barates, son of Oribasius
- Barbara Russello
- Carlo Barbieri
- Claudio Barco
- Bardo Tome
- Barekbaal bat Addonia
- Barekbaal bat Hamilcar
- Barnaba Bisso
- Barsimeo Fabrizio
- Bartolo Caldogne
- Basileides, son of Moschion
- Basileios of Agyrion
- Basileo Cantalupo
- Basilio Puccio
- Bassiano Profeta
- Bastiano Bena
- Batrun bat Adones
- Batrun bat Hammon
- Batrun bat Tabnit
- Azmelqart bat Batrun
- Batza
- Beato Ritacco
- Beca I of Sicily
- Bedezorus bat Ashtzaph
- Bedezorus bat Tyre
- Belina Mazzotta
- Bellino Emilio
- Belos, son of Dmetor
- Belshazzar bat Abdeshmun
- Belshazzar bat Aradus
- Bendis, son of Eteokles
- Beniamino Primerano