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- Battle of Aaouadi
- Battle of Abadza
- Battle of Abu Khalifah
- Battle of Acposy
- Battle of al-Khusus
- Battle of Azzati (1191 BC)
- Battle of Bardawil
- Battle of Bidsah
- Battle of Bir El Malhi
- Battle of Bir Tamada
- Battle of Bitulion
- Battle of Chehime
- Battle of Chekka
- Battle of Ciristepe
- Battle of Djahy
- Battle of El Salheya
- Battle of Emzukha
- Battle of Fureidis
- Battle of Gedjurmeru
- Battle of Hamath (1200 BC)
- Battle of Idku
- Battle of Karnak
- Battle of Khekhamar
- Battle of Khemtesai
- Battle of Kissysir
- Battle of Madfoun
- Battle of Mansheya
- Battle of Memphis (1187 BC)
- Battle of Munirah
- Battle of Nekhen
- Battle of Nekhsekha
- Battle of Paiuenamun (1187 BC)
- Battle of Paiuenamun (1191 BC)
- Battle of Per Amun (1196 BC)
- Battle of Pi-Ramesses (1188 BC)
- Battle of Pomos
- Battle of Qantir
- Battle of Qism al-Hasanati
- Battle of Ra-ked
- Battle of Rasm al-Hirmil
- Battle of Sabuten
- Battle of Sais
- Battle of Septe
- Battle of Shirbin
- Battle of Tamwah
- Battle of Tarfayah
- Battle of the Delta
- Battle of Tjedjumhat
- Sack of Petpeh
- Sack of Saricha
- Sack of Tzor
- Siege of Amunia (1189 BC)
- Siege of Ashkelon (1187 BC)
- Siege of Ashkelon (1189 BC)
- Siege of Ashkelon (1194 BC)
- Siege of Ashkelon (1198 BC)
- Siege of Megiddo (1205 BC)
- Siege of Neb-gehes (1187 BC)
- Siege of Ra-ked (1190 BC)
- Siege of Ur-gem (1195 BC)
- Siege of Urushalim (1204 BC)
- Siege of Yapo (1205 BC)